Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Day

Ideas for February 17th Random Acts of Kindness Day
Ideas for February 17th Random Acts of Kindness Day
Take A Smile for February 17th, Random Acts of Kindness Day.

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day and we’ve got some ideas to get you going!

As February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day, we wanted to give you some ideas of random acts of kindness that were easy to do and wouldn’t take much time or effort at all. Just one random act of kindness can truly change someone’s day for the better. Imagine that your day isn’t going so well, and a total stranger performs a random act of kindness for you. It can transform your day. We want to help spread that feeling.

Hold the door open for a stranger as a random act of kindness
Hold the door open.
(c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / auris

Hold The Door Open

Yes, you may have to wait an extra 30 seconds as that stranger finally gets to you, but holding the door open for someone is an easy, free act of kindness. Almost always, the person is appreciative and will return the favor with a smile.

Smiling to a stranger is a random act of kindness than can help their day. Smile

You would be amazed at how much a genuine smile can brighten someones day. There’s scientific research that proves that smiling can improve your health in addition to bringing a moment of happiness to a stranger.

Leave a bigger tip as a random act of kindness
Leave A Bigger Tip

If you’re going to be at a restaurant or using some time of food service that requires someone to wait on you, leave a bigger tip. It doesn’t need to be an enormous amount as just a few extra dollars can make a world of difference.

pay for the person behind you as a random act of kindness
(Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)

Pay for the Person Behind You

Are you heading through a toll today? Pay your toll and pay for the person behind you as well. It’s a beautifully kind gesture that often times ends up being paid forward.

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Leave an anonymous sticky note with a positive message as a random act of kindness
Leave An Anonymous Sticky Note for A Stranger

Get a pack of sticky notes and write an uplifting message on it. Throughout the day, leave them at various places in your travels. Maybe you could leave one on the drivers side window of a car at the grocery store or at an ATM machine.

For more random acts of kindness, visit The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Additionally, they have tips and programs for educators and much more.

Do you have of your own ideas for random acts of kindness? Tell us below in the comments.

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